Frequently Asked Questions

San Diego State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation in its education programs or activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and certain other federal and state laws, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation in employment, as well as all education programs and activities operated by the University (both on and off campus), and protect all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence. Recently, Title IX's scope has been expanded to include employees and campus visitors.

For a quick overview of the options and resources available, please check out our Let's Talk Brochures:

Let's Talk (Students)
Let's Talk (Parents/Families)

Safety of the SDSU Campus Community is Primary

The university's primary concern is the safety of its campus community members. The use of alcohol or drugs never makes the victim at fault for sexual discrimination, harassment or violence; therefore, victims should not be deterred from reporting incidents of sexual violence out of a concern that they might be disciplined for related violations of drug, alcohol or other university policies. Except in extreme circumstances, victims of sexual violence shall not be subject to discipline for related violations of the Student Conduct Code.

FAQs about the Investigative Process

CSU Non-Discrimination Policy is the systemwide procedure for all complaints of Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking made by students, employees, student employees, or a third party against the CSU, a CSU employee, CSU students or a third party.

A summary of the complaint process (in cases alleging Sex Discrimination) is outlined below. Please reference the full Non-Discrimination Policy for details.

  • What is the process for filing a complaint?
    • The Student, Faculty, or Staff member shall submit a written Complaint to the Title IX Coordinator. The date of receipt shall be deemed to be the Complaint filing date. The Title IX Coordinator shall offer reasonable accommodations to complainants who are unable to submit a written complaint because of Disability.
  • What is the timeline for filing a complaint?
    • Complaints should be brought forward as soon as possible after the conduct occurs. While there is no stated timeframe for making a complaint, prompt reporting will better enable the campus to respond to the complaint, determine the relevant issues, and provide an appropriate remedy and/or action. All incidents should be reported even if a significant amount of time has passed.
  • Do I need to fill out paperwork to file a complaint?
    • Complainants have the option to either fill out the complaint form during their meeting with the Title IX coordinator or Deputy Title IX coordinator or to print out the form and return it to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
  • What happens after I file a complaint?
    • The Title IX Coordinator shall promptly meet with the Complainant after receiving the Complaint. The Complainant shall make him/herself available for this meeting.
  • What about confidentiality?
    • Information regarding the Complaint shall be shared with other University employees and law enforcement exclusively on a “need to know” basis.
  • What is the investigation procedure?
    • The Complainant and the Accused shall have equal opportunities to present relevant witnesses and evidence in connection with the investigation. The investigation shall be completed no later than 100 Working Days after receiving the Complaint, unless the timeline has been extended.
  • What happens after the investigation concludes?
    • Within the investigation period stated above, the Investigator shall prepare an investigative report.
  • How will I be notified what was decided?
    • The Title IX Coordinator shall notify the Complainant and the Accused in writing of the investigation outcome within 10 Working Days of completing the report. If the outcome is that this Non-Discrimination Policy was not violated, the notice shall inform the Complainant of their right to file an appeal. A separate written notice shall be provided to the Accused indicating whether the allegations were substantiated. If the investigation outcome is that this Non-Discrimination Policy was not violated, the Accused shall also be informed of the Complainant’s right to file an appeal.
      Please read the full policy for information regarding the appeal process.

Equitable Rights

  • When complainant and respondent receive the Notice of Investigation, they are informed of their right to have a representative of their choice when being interviewed by the investigator.
  • The complainant and the respondent are informed of their rights to provide the investigator with information and documentation they feel are relevant to the claim at any time during the investigation.
  • The complainant and the respondent have the right to identify witnesses to support their respective positions during the interview process of the investigation.
  • The complainant is informed through the official notice of the Investigation Outcome of the right to appeal to the Chancellor's Office if not satisfied with the findings of the investigation.