Cozen Assessment, Campus Climate Survey, Annual Reports & Data Reporting, and Title IX Training Regulations

Cozen O’Connor Assessment

In May 2022, the California State University Board of Trustees commissioned the Cozen O’Connor Institutional Response Group to conduct a systemwide assessment of the university’s implementation of its Title IX and other anti-discrimination programs. In July 2023, Cozen O’Connor presented its findings and recommendations to the CSU, as well as individual university reports. The SDSU-specific report was released with other reports on July 17, 2023. 

Cozen O’Connor has identified recommendations at both the CSU system and each university. On July 17, 2023, the full, systemwide report and all other reports were released, and can be found on the CSU’s Commitment to Change site. The SDSU report is also linked below

SDSU Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) Assessment


SDSU's Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct


Following recommendations from the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault (2014), an anonymous survey was first developed at San Diego State University (SDSU) in 2015. The survey included questions about sexual assault/violence on or near campus, attitudes about sexually related violence, inclination to intervene/help in response to sexual violence, and awareness of sexual violence related services and policies. SDSU generally administers the survey every two to three years, and results from these surveys provide a valuable resource to help the university better assess and address the problem of sexual violence.

The 2024 Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey

Designed in collaboration with the SDSU Sexual Violence Task Force and Campus Climate Survey Committee, the goals of the 2024 Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey are to provide information about the prevalence of sexual violence and relationship violence on campus, students’ knowledge about reporting policies and resources for survivors, and students’ attitudes related to sexual violence and relationship violence. Results from this survey will be used to further develop prevention and intervention programming aimed at ending sexual violence and relationship violence in the SDSU community.

2024 SDSU Campus Climate Survey Final Report

Frequently Asked Questions

It is important that we hear directly from students on the topics of sexual violence and relationship violence. The information gathered from the Campus Climate Surveys is integral in further developing policies, and prevention and intervention programming aimed at ending sexual violence and relationship violence for the SDSU community.
All enrolled SDSU students in the San Diego and Imperial Valley campuses are invited to participate in the survey.
The 2024 Campus Climate Survey opens on April 8th and will close on May 19th.
The survey is open for student participation from April 8th through May 19th. Invitations to participate are sent to every student's SDSU email address with a personalized link. If you are interested in accessing the survey, search your SDSU email address for the phrase "SDSU Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey". From there, you should be able to click on your personalized link to Qualtrics and participate. 

The response should read: Although all students are sent invitations via their SDSU-provided email addresses, once the data are collected, all personally identifying information (included email addresses provided to claim incentives) will be removed from the data before it is analyzed for the final report. Responses will not be able to be linked back to the individual. Only depersonalized, aggregate (group-level) data will be analyzed for the final report. 

SDSU has contracted with Side of Change Consulting to distribute the survey. 

Given the topic, we acknowledge that some questions may prompt some discomfort. Please remember that your student participation in the survey, as well as how you participate, is completely voluntary. Students are not required to complete the survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous and not associated with your personal information. You can also skip questions and/or opt out of the survey at any time.
Yes, however you must come back to the survey using the unique link provided in your email invitation and also use the same device as when you started the survey.
IIf you have technical difficulties with the survey, please contact Side of Change Consulting at [email protected].
For any questions or concerns related to the survey, please contact Principal Investigators Dr. Brittnie Bloom and Dr. Marissa Salazar at [email protected].
We welcome everyone to spread the word about this university-wide survey! Share this website link widely, as it is the central location for information about past and future surveys and survey results. Also, tell SDSU students to check their emails for their unique survey web link.
SDSU is proud to have several resources for survivors of sexual and relationship violence, as well as for those looking to be more active in their support. Resources will be provided at the end of the survey and can also be accessed through Title IX's website (also see top of this page for Resources pull-down menu). The university also announced in Spring 2023 the creation of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Gender-Based Violence.
See the Past Campus Climate Surveys section below for information on the 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 surveys.

Past Campus Climate Surveys

2022 SDSU Campus Climate Survey Final Report

The survey was slightly delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey was emailed to 32,687 students, and 5,308 students completed the survey, which represents a response rate of 16%.

2019 SDSU Campus Climate Survey Final Report

The survey was emailed to 31,823 students, and 4,148 students responded to the survey, which represents a response rate of 13%.

2017 SDSU Campus Climate Survey Final Report

In Spring 2017, the survey was emailed to 31,099 students, and 3,398 students responded to the survey, which represents a response rate of 10.9%.

2015 SDSU Campus Climate Survey Final Report

In Spring 2015, the survey was emailed to 30,469 students, and 9,161 students responded to the survey, which represents a substantial response rate of 30%.

Title IX Annual Data Reporting

In addition to data collected through the Campus Climate Surveys, and in accordance with CSU Nondiscrimination Policy, SDSU reports on data relating to university complaints on an annual basis and posts data for the prior two years. 


Update Message Regarding the Title IX Annual Report for 2022-2023

In response to feedback from Cozen O’Connor following their assessment  of the CSU’s Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) programs and from the California State Auditor following their audit of the CSU’s system to assess the CSU’s handling of sexual harassment complaints against employees at the Office of the Chancellor (Chancellor’s Office), California State University, Fresno, San José State University, and Sonoma State University the CSU Chancellor’s Office is refining the categories of Title IX data it gathers to ensure the accuracy of campus Title IX Annual Reports and to facilitate more precise analysis and identification of patterns and trends. While the CO works to update the data queries, CSU campuses will defer issuing Title IX Annual Reports until the Chancellor’s Office finalizes new guidance for data collection and reporting.

During this time, all CSU campuses will continue to issue the Annual Security Report, accessible for San Diego State University at, in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act).  This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning Clery Act defined crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the CSU, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This report includes, but is not limited to, reported incidents of sexual assault (including rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape), domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.  Please note that the data in the Annual Security Report differs from the data that has historically been reported in a campus’s Title IX Annual Report due to the specific definitional and geographical parameters required for Clery statistics

Title IX Regulation Training